Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shut up you fucking whiners

If I get invited to one more "PETITION AGAINST NEW FACEBOOK LAYOUT" group, I'm going to buy a shotgun and a plane ticket, and go on a hunting trip in the person's hometown.

Why the hell is everyone so freaked out? Everything is still there, it's just reorganized. I understand it might seem like a pain to have to remember where everything is all over again, but it's nothing to throw a childish hissy-fit over. Instead of bitching and moaning, why not go to the developers and suggest some kind of custom homepage layout function? If you're so damn smart, solve the problem they can't. Otherwise, sit down and shut up.

If anyone thinks they can come up with a compelling argument as to why this layout switch is such a bad thing, go right ahead and try. I welcome constructive criticism. If all you can do is get upset because you can't focus long enough to pay attention to where stuff if on your screen, and your apparent solution is to make a Facebook group with a little red skull and crossbones logo or one of those red circles with the line through it and then spam everyone you have ever met with invites, you need to get off the Internet and do something useful with your life, you fucking waste of organic matter.

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