Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Okay, so, I lied

It's Tuesday. Well, what can I tell you? I was busy yesterday.

As is typical in my family, I spent the whole day with relatives at a Memorial Day BBQ thing in our back yard. And, like always, I had to keep the young ones entertained. Probably the first time in a while that I've played catch, volleyball, badminton, bocci, and Mario Party all in the same day. Luckily, I still had energy left for smores and fireworks last night.

Now, for the news you've all been waiting for: Price Chopper and I have parted ways. I sat down with my supervisor, and we came to the agreement that this job was definitely not bringing out the best in me. So, I was dissmissed/quit. I don't care what you call it, but they still like me enough to let me use them as a reference, so it's not like I pushed over the bottle machines and stormed out the front door.

So, I'm an unemployed bum again. I'm going to try to use my newfound free time to finish up my novel manuscript, and make plans to go back to school. Right now, I'm thinking about spending a semester or two at SUNYIT, but it's not set in stone yet.

I'm also doing a little more reading. I'm almost done with a little paperback called The Boy Who Couldn't Die by William Sleator. It's not exactly the most original story ever written, but it's pretty creepy. I'm enjoying it. My next piece of summer reading will be Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys. If you've read it, don't spoil it for me.

That's about it for now. Now go do something productive.

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